русский english
December 8, 2014
"Kondrovskaja paper mill" Ltd started using "GOFROTARA" "Kondrovskaja paper mill" Ltd (Kaluga region) started testing using ofinformation system for corrugated packaging production planning "GOFROTARA". The company is one of the oldest palp-and-paper mills in Russia (since 1799). Now the company produces three-layers corrugated cardboard and corrugated boxes.
November 19, 2014
Conference "Corrugation industry at the present stage of development" (Saint Petersburg) Deputy director of Opti-Soft made a report "Experience ofplannig and control information system "Gofrotara" implementation" during the XI international scientific and practic conference in "Krona" institute of Saint Petersburg State tachnology university of plant polimers. More than 20 technologists from different corrugation factories of Russia took a part in conference.
November 1, 2014
October 29, 2014
Deputy Director of Opti-Soft and rector of PetrSU visited an exhibition "PapFor-2014" PAP-FOR Russia is the largest pulp and paper event in Eastern Europe that represents all cutting edge products, innovative ideas and ultramodern industry technologies on one site.It is an ideal B2B event for establishing new partnerships and developing business. During four days PAP-FOR gives the full market overview and gathers all industry professionals in one meeting place. During the exhibition we met with representatives of many companies such as Metso Autimation, Karelia-Palp Ltd, Union pulp factories and others.