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October 28, 2014

PMASC and "Opti-Soft" company took part in the exhibitioin "Automation-2014" in Saint Petersburg.

Saint Petersburg Automation Exhibition is a well known in Russia independent specialized exhibition on industrial automation and introduction of information and computer technologies to the industrial sphere. Since 2006 the exhibition has been held within the framework of the Electronics. Instrument - making. Automation International Industrial Forum.

Purpose of the Exhibition is promotion of wide industrial introduction of computer and information technologies, demonstration of state-of-the-art software and hardware automation tools, control and communication systems into industrial enterprises. The exhibition is devoted to all levels of enterprise automation in different economic sectors and directed to professionals - plant managers; specialists in the field of information technology, management and automation.

Automation Exhibition has being held for 14 years and has got international recognition among the industry specialists as professional business platform for automation facilities and systems promotion in Russian market.
The stand of Opti-Soft was devoted to developing of clouds calculation services. The stand attracted a big interest from visitors.
October 2, 2014

September 22, 2014

«PackMaster» Ltd started using cloud service "Corrugated"

«PackMaster» Ltd started using service for automation of corrugated packaging production planning.
The main direction of the company is the production of three-layer corrugated of grades T-21, T-22, T-23 and T-24,
September 19, 2014

Subcontracting 2014 (Tampere, Finland)

Director of "Opti-Soft" Anton Shabaev and deputy director of "Opti-Soft" Dmitry Kositsyn
during 16 to 18 September participated in the Subcontracting Trade Fair in
Tampere – Finland's leading industrial trade fair. The international trade
fair for the subcontracting industry has brought together almost 1000
exhibitors from 21 countries. As part of the joint stand of the Republic of
Karelia, the software system for corrugated cardboard production planning and sawmill operation
were presented.
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